Refund Policy

We work hard to make sure that you are satisfied with our assignment help services. However, you may apply for a refund if you aren’t happy with the content that we send you. But before doing so, please go through the following refund policy, so that your dealing with us can go as smooth as possible in this regard.

  • If an order has been delayed from our side, then the respective client will be eligible for a refund or store credit if they don’t use the content.
  • If an order has been delayed from our side, and the client uses the content anyways, then they will only be refunded an amount corresponding to the difference between the set and actual time of delivery
  • If a client feels that they have received inauthentic content, then they must come up with substantial proof to validate their claim. Once it has been proven that they have indeed received plagiarized content, they will be reimbursed an amount decided upon by our Quality Assurance Department, or given store credit.
  • As soon as a client has accepted the content that we write for them, we will not be responsible for a low grade or any other losses that they may incur because of it.
  • If a client has been charged twice or extra by our payment system, then they will be refunded or given store credit accordingly.
  • In case a client is not satisfied with our work, they should contact us right away instead of turning to a third party.
  • If a client contacts a third party when they aren’t satisfied with our work, then their contract with us would stand violated, and they would be dealt with accordingly.
  • Our clients should abstain from taking chargebacks on all occasions because if they do, then they will be considered fraudulent and any future dealings with them will come to a complete halt.

Feel free to contact us for any questions, comments or feedback. We’ll be glad to help. Also, make sure to head over to head to the order page to get your assignment help order started.